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Week 13- We're back to business

First week of the second semester! we're excited to be back. during the brake we had one meeting, in which we talked about the feedback we received from the mentors at the final presentation, and we made a few decisions.

One main decision was that we are not getting involved in "what" should the parent do to enhance communication, we rather help him recognise the time slots and opportunities as they occur at the dinner table.

At the first class of the semester we to sharpened our MVP and built our Value Proposition Canvas, in which we went back and recalled what's our user want's and need's and how exactly is Tsumi giving him value. We made another significant decision and chose our first and only feature, or the one input Tsumi will recognise and react to- Silence. Silence could be "good" and pleasant, or "bad" and awkward. it could also mean that the parent is not present and checking his phone. We hope to catch this moment and help him understand how big is this exact opportunity to connect to his children. And our amazing developers started building our Arduino computer! Exciting!

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